Haiti ex-president Aristide being treated for Covid in Cuba

Haitian ex-president Jean-Bertrand Aristide, who is battling Covid-19 at the age of 68, has arrived in Cuba for medical treatment, Haiti’s President Jovenel Moise has announced.

On Twitter late Thursday, Moise wished Aristide “a prompt recovery” and said the Haitian embassy in Cuba would provide him with “all the necessary assistance.”

The Haitian embassy in Cuba would not confirm Aristide’s arrival to AFP, and the Cuban government generally does not comment on these types of visits.

Haitian media has reported that Moise had sought a diplomatic passport for the former head of state for humanitarian reasons.

Aristide became Haiti’s first democratically elected president in 1991.

But just months later, that same year, he was ousted in a bloody military coup led by General Raoul Cedras. He returned to power in 1994 when the United States sent in troops to drive Cedras out.

But Aristide was again forced out in 2004 under threat of another armed insurrection, popular demonstrations and pressure from the United States and France, going into exile in South Africa.

He returned to Haiti in 2011.

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