While you were asleep: Marathons are costly and tiring…

The campaign race for the 2021 Municipal Elections is on. But for some reason, to the silent dismay of his ANC colleagues, President Cyril Ramaphosa is still not out of the starting blocks. 

Flanked by the South African and ANC flags and wearing an ANC tie in a televised address, he welcomed the Independent Electoral Commission’s decision to go ahead with this year’s municipal elections and declaring the weekend of 18 and 19 September voter registration weekend. But speaking on the outcomes of Monday’s ANC NEC meeting he failed to give hope to disillusioned voters that things will change.  

Maybe it’s because he wishfully thinks the ANC doesn’t have to do much to bag the votes. After all, an Ipsos poll shows that close to half of South Africa’s voting population is likely to vote for the ANC in the local government elections at the end of October, and the EFF and DA are likely to garner double-digit support.  

But the elections follow the end of the Zondo Commission that exposed the web of corruption under the ANC’s rule that took the country to the brink of collapse. A time when Ramaphosa also played the long game, which allowed for the Guptas and their cronies to swoop in and capture much of government coffers under the nine-year tenure of Jacob Zuma. The axing of former finance minister Nhlanhla Nene in 2018 alone cost the country R500 billion.   

Ramaphosa also didn’t seize his chance at the Zondo Commission to say how the Zuma administration eroded the people’s trust in the ANC and how his predecessor contributed significantly to the rot of corruption that has come to characterise the ANC.  

And the Ipsos poll shows that not all eligible voters will vote and that urban dwellers are less likely to vote than people in rural areas. 

With a disillusioned society suffering from Covid fatigue and struggling to make ends meet amid a sluggish economy and rampant unemployment, perhaps it’s time for Ramaphosa to rethink his long game

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