Editorial: Coalition country – a week on from the election

There are 66 hung municipalities across the country with no party succeeding in its effort to win an outright majority.

As we have seen from the previous local government elections in 2016 where the ANC failed to win outright majorities for the first time in its history in Nelson Mandela Bay, Johannesburg and Tshwane, coalition governments, which include a group of parties governing together was the way forward.

But what unfolded was mudslinging and instability with the Democratic Alliance – often the largest party in the coalition – struggling to keep its partners happy. Fast forward to 2021 and the ANC and DA are back in the predicament of having to form some sort of coalition government in the 66 hung municipalities.

As parties jostle and lock horns trying to form a workable government it’s important to keep in mind that this is what the electorate voted for writes Ralph Mathekga.

“The message from the voters is clear; there is currently no political party inspiring enough confidence to be trusted with a stronger mandate to fix municipalities,” writes Mathekga. (Subscribe to read)

While Harlan Cloete writes that the DA and ANC shouldn’t devote time and effort into convincing smaller parties to get into bed with either of them and should rather work out a deal whereby they co-govern together.

Whatever the outcome of the coalition talks one thing is for certain, South Africans are in for another rough term of local government.

Here’s a roundup of interesting opinions, analysis, and editorials:

Wounded and bleeding ANC is unlikely to renew or recover from its election losses – Daily Maverick
TOM EATON | Think SA’s in the dark now? Just wait till the ANC names its mayors – Sunday Times Daily (Register to read)
Douglas Gibson | DA shouldn’t have to take responsibility, if ANC, EFF go into coalition – News24
An opportunity like this may not come again – Daily Friend

Executive remuneration: The quandary of rewarding bosses for going green – Daily Maverick
EDITORIAL | State mustn’t just shrug at load-shedding. It must act – Sunday Times Daily (Register to read)
CAROL PATON: Income grants take shape in budget background – Business Day (Subscribe to read)

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