Ivory Coast cocoa grind up 6% in November, say exporters

ABIDJAN (Reuters) – Ivory Coast cocoa grind rose 6% year-on-year in November to 53,000 tonnes compared with the same period last year, data from exporters’ association GEPEX showed on Thursday.

Total grind since the start of the season in October stood at 107,000 tonnes of beans up from 100,000 tonnes over the same period last season.

The GEPEX data covers six of the largest grinding companies, including Barry Callebaut, Olam International Ltd and Cargill Inc.

Ivory Coast has total grinding capacity of 712,000 tonnes. It is the world’s top cocoa producer and vies with the Netherlands for the spot of leading grinder.

(Reporting by Ange Aboa; Editing by Bate Felix)


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