Gabon, Cameroonian crude spot tenders in focus

LONDON (Reuters) – Spot activity was muted on Thursday owing to the holiday period but a few sell tenders were in motion.

* Maurel & Prom awarded a sell tender for a cargo ofend-January loading Gabonese Rabi Light but winner details didnot immediately emerge. * Cameroon’s state oil firm SNH issued a sell tender forFebruary loading cargoes of Lokele, Kole and Ebome closing nextweek. * Royal Dutch Shell’s Nigerian subsidiary SPDC resumedexports of Forcados crude on Dec. 29 after declaring forcemajeure last week due to a faulty barge at the terminal. * Shell has not yet lifted force majeure. * OPEC and its allies will probably stick to their existingpolicy of modest monthly increases in oil output at a meetingnext week, four sources said, as demand concerns raised by theOmicron variant ease and oil prices recover.

(Reporting by Julia Payne; editing by Uttaresh.V)

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