Opinions of the Day: Does the ANC step-aside rule actually work?

Who really adheres to the ANC’s step-aside rule? If the recent provincial elective conference in Mpumalanga is anything to go by then it’s clear to see that the branches in the province have given the rule a fat middle finger after electing double murder accused Mandla Msibi as the provincial treasurer general.

Political analyst Ralph Mathekga writes that the step-aside rule has been dealt a blow by party delegates in Mpumalanga and despite the charges against Msibi, he has been able to convert the step-aside rule into a step-up rule.

“The message coming across, loudly and clearly from the Mpumalanga provincial conference, is that those who face serious charges shall be promoted to higher positions in the ANC instead of following the rules.”

Mathekga writes while there is a legitimate criticism for the way the ANC has implemented the rule, Msibi should not have been able to be elected to the position and the internal disciplinary committee of the party needs to quickly define a fair and objective way of implementing the rule.

Political commentator Stephen Grootes asks whether the resolution is indeed working and comments that the ANC needs to ask itself whether the rule emboldens politicians seeking leadership positions or hampers their ambitions?

Grootes contends that the step-aside rule is interlocked with the constant battle between Cyril Ramaphosa’s ambitions of renewal within the party and the Radical Economic Transformation (RET) faction.

Ramaphosa was at great pains to stress again this weekend that the ANC is on fire when he addressed the Mpumalanga delegates and asked how someone like Msibi could be elected despite the step-aside rule?

If the ANC is to put out the fire, then the step-aside rule needs to be implemented correctly and adhered to, otherwise, the party will risk disintegration in the next elections, as has been continuously warned.

Here’s a roundup of interesting opinions, analyses, and editorials:

EDITORIAL: Telkom and Icasa need to try to get on the same wavelength – Business Day

TOM EATON: On the origin of the ANC and other species – Business Day (for subscribers)

New police commissioner can change SA’s trajectory – Business Day

Carol Paton | Talks and delays: What exactly did the Public Service Summit achieve? – Fin24 (for subscribers)

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine war accelerates information war – Mail & Guardian

Who really runs the ANC? – The Citizen (for subscribers)

Mkhwebane displays RET faction symptoms – The Citizen (for subscribers)

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