Opinions of the Day: Busi Mavuso is right, the ANC is to blame for Eskom’s mess

“The reality of the matter is this is not our mess,” is the statement that Eskom board member Busisiwe Mavuso is reported to have said in a recent war of words between the power utility’s board and parliament’s standing committee on public accounts (Scopa) chair Mkhuleko Hlengwa.

Business Day writes Scopa was on an oversight visit to Eskom to get an understanding and an explanation of the latest round of load shedding when Mavuso reportedly told Hlengwa that the Eskom board and CEO André de Ruyter could not be blamed for the current state of Eskom.

The statement led to some wordy fisty cuffs between Mavuso and Hlengwa, which saw the latter leave the meeting and then the public enterprises ministry began laying into Mavuso as well.

“Indeed, in a world of proper corporate governance, a director with independent views — as long as they are informed and constructive — would be someone to be valued, not someone to be treated as if she were a naughty schoolgirl,” writes Business Day.

Stephen Grootes analyses the rift between parliament and Mavuso a little closer and writes it is not the first time that Mavuso has made her opinion on the failings of government as it concerns Eskom clear.

Grootes also writes the ANC ignored historical warnings that Eskom would run out of electricity to supply the entire country by 2007 and the energy department continues to throw up hurdles to De Ruyter’s pleas to allow independent power producers to supply electricity to the grid sooner.

Meanwhile, Adriaan Basson has defended Mavuso and writes that parliament and Hlengwa did not conduct themselves in any sort of parliamentary manner by trying to muzzle Mavuso.

“Absolutely nothing Mavuso said on Friday was factually incorrect or misplaced. In fact, if a board member of a state-owned enterprise cannot speak her mind about political leadership (or the lack thereof) at a parliamentary briefing, where should she?” writes Basson.

Here’s a round-up of opinions, editorials, and in-depth articles we’re reading:

Busisiwe Mavuso’s defence of De Ruyter doesn’t augur well for accountability – Mpumelelo Mkhabela, News24 (for subscribers)

The three reasons why the ANC is stuck on nuclear power – Tim Cohen, Daily Maverick

No reason for central banks to panic (for now) over higher inflation – Roelof Botha, Daily Maverick

Failing state means we have no ballasts for future disasters – Ayabonga Cawe, Business Day (for subscribers)

KZN leaders need to be reminded they are servants, not royalty – Justice Malala, Sunday Times Daily (for subscribers)

On Russia, SA is its own worst enemy – William Gumede, Sunday Times Daily (for subscribers)

Struggling to be middle class – Hein Kaiser, The Citizen (for subscribers)

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