Golf-For 9/11 families LIV Golf is ‘Death Golf,’ says advocacy group

By Steve Keating

MIAMI (Reuters) – As Donald Trump was teeing off in a Pro Am event at the season finale of the Saudi-backed LIV Golf Series at the ex-president’s Trump National Golf Club on Thursday, the 9/11 Justice Group was meeting a mile away in a small hotel conference room.

As they have done at every LIV Series stop in the United States, the advocacy group comprised of family members and survivors of the attacks on the World Trade Center was in Miami to shine a spotlight on the Saudi government.

Fifteen of the 19 hijackers on Sept. 11, 2001 were from Saudi Arabia. However, the kingdom has long denied a role in the attacks on the Twin Towers, which killed nearly 3,000 people.

The 9/11 community accuses LIV golfers of being little more than well paid mercenaries in a “sportwashing” scheme by a nation trying to improve its reputation in the face of criticism over its human rights record.

Saudi Arabia’s government has denied accusations of human rights abuses.

“When asked about Saudi atrocities and involvement in 9/11 and helping the Saudi’s sportwash, some golfers stated they are just trying to provide for their families,” said Dennis McGinley, whose older brother Danny was killed in the collapse of the South Tower.

“Our brother Danny and 2,976 others were just trying to provide for their families as well that day.

“LIV Golf to us is Death Golf.”

Controversy has hung over the LIV golf venture, which is bankrolled by Saudi Arabia’s Public Investment Fund, from the start and will follow the series to Sunday’s final round where the team champions will be crowned and a whopping $50 million paid out.

LIV CEO Greg Norman, golfers and officials have all been questioned about taking Saudi money and on Thursday reissued a brief statement in response to Reuters’ request for comment.

“As we have said all along, these families have our deepest sympathy. While some may not agree, we believe golf is a force for good around the world,” read the LIV statement.

That, however, is not how members of 9/11 Justice view things.

“Phil Mickelson recently stated that golf is a force for good. They are turning it into a sport for greed aimed at sportwashing,” said McGinley.

The group said they have repeatedly asked for a meeting with LIV officials and golfers but have gotten no response.


This week 9/11 Justice stepped up their campaign by running a television commercial on CNN protesting against the Saudi-funded golf league.

They told Reuters they also plan to be at Trump National for Friday’s opening round but expect to be removed since they will wear 9/11 Justice baseball caps.

While LIV Golf has mostly ignored 9/11 Justice, the group says they have their full attention.

In a letter to Senator Robert Menendez, Democratic Chairman of the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee, seen by Reuters, the group said LIV is being provided with management and consulting services “apparently including monitoring and tracking the advocacy of families of 9/11 victims who were protesting the tour because of its ties to the Saudi government.”

Trump, whose resorts hosted two of eight LIV tournaments, on Thursday praised the Saudis as “very good people” with unlimited money who had done a fantastic job.

But Juliette Scauso, the daughter of New York fire fighter Dennis Scauso who ran into the crumbling towers to rescue people and died, wants to ask LIV Golfers face-to-face if they really know where the prize money is coming from.

“How much money would it take for you to turn your back on your country,” asked Scauso, a medical student who flew in from Ireland to be part of the protest. “My father died a hero.

“To all those involved in the LIV tournament and Donald Trump, my father wasn’t the type of person who could be bought.

“I just want you to know that if you were there that day my father would have run in to save you without a second thought.”

(Reporting by Steve Keating in Miami; Editing by Ken Ferris)


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