Factbox-Summary of Trump’s tax returns for 2015 through 2020

(Reuters) – A Democratic-controlled U.S. House of Representatives committee on Friday released former President Donald Trump’s tax returns from 2015 through 2020. Below are highlights from his personal tax returns.


Wages $14,141

Taxable interest $9,393,096

Dividends $1,729,897

Business income -$599,030

Rental real estate, -$7,882,011

partnerships, etc.

Taxable income $0

Net tax $641,931(Congressional tax

panel says this could drop

to $750, if a claim of

previous losses is approved)


Wages $978

Taxable interest $8,994,141

Dividends $337,938

Business income $8,797,393

Rental real estate, -$15,939,523

partnerships, etc.

Taxable income $0

Net tax $750


Wages $373,629

Taxable interest $6,758,494

Dividends $21,984

Business income $1,433,030

Rental real estate, -$16,746,815

partnerships, etc.

Taxable income $0

Net tax $750


Wages $393,957

Taxable interest $9,435,377

Dividends $60,254

Business income -$430,408

Rental real estate, -$11,992,220

partnerships, etc.

Taxable income $22,951,389

Net tax $999,466


Wages $393,928

Taxable interest $11,332,436

Dividends $71,921

Business income -$225,560

Rental real estate, -$16,472,951

partnerships, etc.

Taxable income $2,975,173

Net tax $133,445


Wages $393,229

Taxable interest $10,626,179

Dividends $25,347

Business income -$29,686

Rental real estate, -$15,676,469

partnerships, etc.

Taxable income $0

Net tax $0

(Reporting by Moira Warburton in Vancouver; Editing by Daniel Wallis)


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