Indonesia’s election in numbers

(Reuters) -Indonesia holds what will be the world’s biggest single-day election on Feb. 14, which will also decide who will become president of the world’s third-biggest democracy and its fourth most populous nation.

Here are some key figures on the election.

– 204.8 million Indonesians are eligible to cast votes

– 4 is the number of presidential elections held in Indonesia’s history

– 20,616 is the number of posts to be decided

– 18 parties are running in the legislative election

– 258,602 candidates are registered

– 17 is the minimum voting age in Indonesia

– 6 is the number of hours polling stations will be open on election day

– 1.7 million Indonesians can vote from overseas

– 115.4 million is the number of registered voters on the island of Java alone

– 94 million is the average number of viewers for each of the first four televised presidential debates

– 580 seats are up for grabs in the lower house of parliament

– 3 is the number of successive attempts at the presidency made by Prabowo Subianto, a candidate in this year’s contest

– 56 candidates with graft convictions are running in the election

(Compiled by Pasit Kongkunakornkul, Ananda Teresia and Martin Petty)


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