Greek cenbanker says ECB rate cuts of a total of 100 points possible this year

ATHENS (Reuters) – The European Central Bank could possibly cut rates by a total of 100 basis points this year but there was still no consensus within euro zone’s central bank on that, ECB’s policymaker Yannis Stournaras said in a newspaper interview released on Sunday.

“Personally, I believe that cutting rates four times this year, by 25 basis points each, is possible,” Stournaras told Greek newspaper Proto Thema.

However, not everybody in the ECB shared that view yet. “Some colleagues are more sceptical and they think that rate cuts should be more moderate,” he added.

Stournaras said last week that it seemed there was a consensus within the ECB for a rate cut in June and that the bank had no reason to wait for the Fed to cut rates first.

(Reporting by Angeliki Koutantou; Editing by Alison Williams)


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