When Parliament Members met on Wednesday, they decided on a motion of no confidence in Ramaphosa’s Cabinet that was put forward by the DA. The DA used the opportunity to comment on how many of the ministers had failed. Not much was said about what the opposition parties would do to improve South Africa’s economy.
The DA and EFF are renowned for calling out political corruption by the ANC. Yet they haven’t come up with any alternative policies that could help the country get out of its economic crisis, only platitudes and attacks on the ANC.
Early this week we saw an increase in the unemployment rate, climbing to 35.3% from 34.9%. “The government and its social partners at Nedlac are at a dead end,” comments Mbhazima Shilowa for News24, further stating that there are no clear and viable ways to grow the economy at a faster rate that keeps jobs, creates new ones, and reduces unemployment, poverty, and inequality.
According to Shilowa the most vulnerable groups include black women and youth, as well as those who live in rural regions. These groups are most affected by the economic crisis.
So what have opposition parties done to improve the current economic crisis?
The DA and EFF have proposed “deregulation of the labour market and the nationalisation of the economy”. But these proposals were already put forward by the ANC. They have trouble coming up with new policy ideas.
Shilowa further argues that poverty, inequality, and unemployment would lead to a change of government anywhere across the globe. The president might have been fired or ministers would have been reshuffled. Because in other nations, the opposition is perceived as “a viable alternative government with viable programs”, which is not the case in South Africa.
Pointing a finger is not enough. We need opposition parties to come forth with alternative policies that respond to the challenges we face in South Africa.
Here’s a roundup of interesting opinions, analyses, and editorials:
It is not just government failing us, but the opposition too – News24 (for subscribers)
Ukraine war – Turkey’s unique role in peace negotiations – News24
Spectrum at last – and the strange beast that is the South African civil service – Daily Maverick
How to unlock youth job opportunities in SA’s rapidly shifting economy – Daily Maverick
Can we turn investment pledges into jobs? – Business Live (for subscribers)
It’s vital to appoint the right person to be the next national police commissioner – News24
Acsa debacle lays bare truth behind Ramaphosa’s investment spin – Business Live (for subscribers)
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