Opinions of the Day: ANC guilty until proven innocent

It’s an indictment on the party itself that we already assume there will be fraud and corruption wherever the ANC is involved in governing.

Yesterday we brought you the opinions of those who believe the party will automatically steal funding meant to help with relief efforts in the flood ravished KwaZulu-Natal.

Stephen Grootes writes today about the problems the party faces in KZN and analyses just why the populace at large believes the party to be guilty unless proven otherwise. He contends that while the party cannot be blamed entirely for a natural disaster that is out of its control, it could still face consequences and have to take the fall in the eyes of voters.

“This is not only because of the government’s response to the flood and the anticipated fresh wave of corruption, but also because of the underlying conditions of our society.

It should be remembered that this is not about fairness. Sometimes public anger needs a direction in which to flow; it is human to be angry at a situation. Like the floodwaters, it can be redirected, but that anger cannot always be curbed,” writes Grootes.

He continues by writing this would not be the first time a political party has been blamed for a natural disaster and cites how government’s the world over were blamed for events that unfolded during the Covid-19 pandemic.

In a separate piece, Qaanitah Hunter writes the vultures are circling around the funding allocated for disaster relief in KZN and not only will it be looted but it will be used to weaken President Cyril Ramaphosa.

Hunter writes disasters are when political campaign war chests are filled because the usual checks and balances around procurement are lax because of the urgency in getting the funding to the victims.

And Ramaphosa’s address on Monday, placing the country under another state of disaster and openly admitting that government would reach out to other bodies to help with oversight on the release of funds proves that no one is in denial anymore that government officials steal money.

Here’s a round-up of opinions, editorials, and in-depth articles we’re reading:

eThekwini ANC faction chooses power over the people – Greg Ardé, New Frame

Ramaphosa and the Solidarity Fund: A tacit admission of his government’s failings – Pieter du Toit, News24 (for subscribers)

Those responsible for Eskom sabotage and theft must be prosecuted – Editorial, The Citizen (for subscribers)

Living in SA is like experiencing the last days of a failing business – Hagen Engler, The Citizen (for subscribers)

Water cheek! Who are we to question the KZN premier’s priorities? – Tom Eaton, Sunday Times Daily (for subscribers)

Lack of action against fraudsters breeds even more corruption – Editorial, Sunday Times Daily (for subscribers)

The auditors who refused to buckle – Rob Rose, Financial Mail (for subscribers)

Elon Musk has more important things to do – Toby Shapshak, Financial Mail (for subscribers)

Mkhwebane, like Zuma, is making life hell for principled judges. And it’s deliberate – Karyn Maughan, News24 (for subscribers)

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