Opinions of the Day: We all stand with Busi Mavuso on the ANC created Eskom disaster

Today we begin with Eskom board member Busi Mavuso’s recent jettison from a meeting with parliament’s standing committee on public accounts (Scopa) by its chairperson Mkhuleko Hlengwa, an IFP MP.

Financial Mail writes Mavuso has South Africa’s backing after she was asked to leave the meeting by Hlengwa when she said the blame for Eskom’s latest round of load shedding could not be placed on the board or the power utilities chief executive André de Ruyter but rather on the failings of the ANC-led government.

Hlengwa has since apologised to Mavuso for asking her to leave the meeting while the FM writes, “If only Mavuso was a proxy for the new intake of leaders at SA’s crumbling state-owned entities, then you could trust they’d recover.”

Hear, hear say we!

Toby Shapshak writes about his frustration in trying to make an anniversary gift purchase via retailer Zara’s e-commerce website without much luck despite multiple attempts at creating a store account. Shapshak details the difficulties he had in making the purchase online, which forced him to travel to a physical store, only to be told the item he wanted to buy is an online-only deal.

The ridiculous account of being handed a ten-year-old phone by a shop assistant and making an online purchase from Zara while standing in the store is enough to infuriate anyone.

What’s more, when the item arrived at Shapshak’s home, it was the wrong thing. Shapshak asks how Zara can have such a terrible e-commerce experience for its South African customers?

Pieter du Toit writes the Cricket South Africa (CSA) leadership should “get on its knees” and apologise to former captain and director of cricket Graeme Smith after all the allegations of racism made against him amounted to nought.

Smith was recently exonerated after advocate Ngoako Maenetje SC and Michael Bishop rejected every claim of racism levelled against him.

Here’s a round-up of opinions, editorials, and in-depth articles we’re reading:

We will not be free from ANC until Scopa fulfils its oversight role – Martin Williams, The Citizen (for subscribers)

Dear politicians, please follow scientists’ lead and abandon failed ideas and theories – Ismail Lagardien

‘Great Resignation’ trend bypasses SA as more and more people join the jobs queue – Dieter von Fintel, Mail & Guardian

Spoiling Mark Cutifani’s party – Rob Rose, Financial Mail (for subscribers)

Macron win a victory for Europe – Editorial, Business Day (for subscribers)

Eskom crisis: DPE must stop hiding behind board’s coat-tails, state capture – Mbhazima Shilowa, News24 (for subscribers)

The slothlike ANC barely steps forward, never mind aside – Tom Eaton, Sunday Times Daily (for subscribers)

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