Opinions of the Day: The Eskom mess and Cape Town independence of a different kind

In today’s opinions, News24’s Friday Briefing includes pieces based on the furore at Eskom this week with reflections on the state of the power utility, analysis of the recent explosive board meeting with parliament’s standing committee on public accounts (Scopa), and whether those in leadership have dropped the ball.

The Friday Briefing includes reflections from Carol Paton who writes about Eskom being too big to fail, Kyle Cowan writes about Eskom board member Busi Mavuso’s run-in with Scopa, Eskom chairperson Malegapuru Makgoba talks about how the power utility will be a completely different entity in a few years time, and energy analyst Chris Yellen says if we do nothing about load shedding it will only get worse.

Meanwhile, Brenda Kali from the Conscious Companies and the Conscious Leadership Academy writes about the different styles of leadership out there and what sort of leaders South Africa needs for us to turn the corner and hit the road towards prosperity.

Kali writes that her organisation will host the Conscious Leadership and Ethics Summit in Johannesburg next month where the summit will compile a report to the president, which will include “the tools to embed conscious, ethical behaviour and place the welfare of the people of this country first.”

Tom Eaton takes aim at the Cape Independence Advocacy Group in his latest column and bemoans the group’s ultimate aim to have the Western Cape secede from South Africa.

Eaton rips apart the ahistorical framing of the group’s arguments before pointing to the recent success achieved this week by Cape Town mayor Geordin Hill-Lewis as an example of how a different and real-world example of independence could be achieved for the city and province.

Here’s a round-up of opinions, editorials, and in-depth articles we’re reading:

Health department will be busy in court defending regulations – Editorial, Business Day

What SA needs to tell delegates at mining indaba – Hilary Joffe, Business Day (for subscribers)

Cutifani’s high drama continues – Ann Crotty, Financial Mail (for subscribers)

Will Twitter owner Elon Musk put profit over public service, as has Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg? – Anton Harber, Business Day (for subscribers)

Truth to De Klerk’s powerful message – Editorial, The Citizen (for subscribers)

The Lost Tycoon: Elon Musk rolls a big one for free speech – Patrick Bulger, Sunday Times Daily (for subscribers)

Real ANC success would be freedom from social grants – Makhudu Sefara, Sunday Times Daily (for subscribers)

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