In the opinion pages today, columnists have been analysing the findings of the latest Zondo report now that we have the full picture.
Zondo VI: The unravelling of the ANC, capture – and 20 questions for Batohi, Lebeya – News24
Now that the full Zondo report into state capture has landed we can begin analysing the entire picture and the findings from the six-part report are damning for former president Jacob Zuma who willingly took part in looting the state but gave the Gupta family carte blanche to stick their fingers in the cookie jar.
The report’s findings not only exposed the corrupt nature of Zuma and his acolytes but it cast a shadow over the entire ANC, who were active participants in state capture.
News24’s Friday briefing captures opinions and analysis from the news house’s top editors and reports who have wadded through the latest reports this week. Read more here.
Zondo was worth that R1bn — and more – Financial Mail
Commentator Justice Malala believes the R1 billion that was spent on the State Capture Commission was worth every rand proving that South Africa is still a place that seeks accountability and justice over looting and corruption.
Malala writes that predicably there has been a backlash against chief justice Raymond Zondo from the Jacob Zuma fanboys, but the good work conducted by Zondo and his team cannot be knocked.
The journey to a corruption-free SA is a long road paved with many difficulties, but the Zondo report goes a long way to setting us on the right path, argues Malala. Read more here. (for subscribers)
Here’s what else we’re reading today:
Never again must SA dodge a Zuma bullet – The Citizen
MAKHUDU SEFARA | SA will not be distracted, Mr President. We want answers – Sunday Times Daily (for subscribers)
TOM EATON | Damn it, with the ANC, you’re damned if you do, damned if you don’t – Sunday Times Daily (for subscribers)
The Zondo Commission was fabulous, but it failed in one crucial respect – Daily Maverick
Gloomy economic outlook as global markets go from bad to worse – Daily Maverick
EDITORIAL: Deliver grants for the poor as inflation grinds higher – Business Day (for subscribers)
(Photo by Gallo Images/Alet Pretorius)