Sinema’s Demands on Carried Interest, Taxes Imperil Manchin Deal

(Bloomberg) — Senator Kyrsten Sinema is privately seeking changes to the party’s tax, health and climate bill, but accommodating her threatens the delicate balance that just last week convinced Senator Joe Manchin to endorse the legislation.

Manchin and Sinema were lead negotiators on last year’s $550 billion bipartisan infrastructure bill and together have thwarted attempts by fellow Democrats to enact many of President Joe Biden’s priorities. Now, as Democrats prepare to vote on a whittled-down version of Biden’s economic plan, they are on a collision course over which taxes to raise and how much to cut the deficit. 

Manchin, a West Virginia Democrat, released a bill last week with a handful of tax increases on private equity and corporations, investments in energy incentives and a drug-pricing deal. Sinema, an Arizona Democrat who has publicly stayed silent on the bill, wasn’t involved in those negotiations and her demands have the potential to sink the bill in the 50-50 Senate in the face of united Republican opposition.

Sinema is looking to cut a provision that would narrow a tax break for private equity, known as carried interest, according to people familiar with the matter. Eliminating that preference for money managers has been a key priority for Manchin for years, though he said he is open to hearing the economic reasoning for retaining the tax break.

Sinema, who has been at the center of talks on other major legislation, was blindsided by the Manchin-Schumer deal. Manchin told reporters that he kept Sinema and others out of the loop because the deal could’ve gone “sideways” at any moment and he didn’t want to get people’s hopes up. He said that no one should view the surprise deal as some kind of “coup” against them. 

Some Democrats, including Manchin, express outrage at the idea of keeping the carried interest break as it is, which benefits the very wealthy.

“Why should you get the same rate he gets just because you’re managing the money with no capital?” Manchin told reporters at the Capitol late Wednesday. “If someone can explain it different, how it really stimulates the market and makes things work, I’m happy to understand.”

Virginia Democratic Senator Tim Kaine told reporters he is insisting that it stay in the deal. Others are questioning why Sinema is going to bat for private equity.

Cutting the carried interest provision from the bill, which the Congressional Budget Office estimates raises $13 billion, wouldn’t derail most of the $739 billion in revenue expected to be raised and probably isn’t a deal-breaker. But there are other, bigger landmines. 

Sinema also wants to scale back a 15% minimum tax on a corporation’s financial statement profits, which is the largest revenue raiser in the Manchin-approved deal. Narrowing that tax hike enough to gain Sinema’s support would likely mean forgoing roughly $100 billion of the projected $313 billion that provision raises. 

Any changes to the corporate minimum tax would have much wider ripple effects, and could cause the bill to run afoul of the Senate’s rules for the fast-track budget reconciliation process, which Democrats are using to pass the bill on a party-line vote. Democrats are required to decrease the deficit in the bill by at least $1 billion, though Manchin wants much bigger reductions.

Sinema’s concerns may be bolstered by a Congressional Budget Office analysis released Thursday in response to questions by Republican Senator Lindsey Graham.

CBO said that the corporate minimum tax would provide a disincentive for investment for business by limiting the value of certain tax breaks and it found that overall the bill has little to no effect on inflation in 2022 and 2023.

On the positive side for Democrats, CBO said it is not yet clear the US is in a recession. Also, earlier this week, the non-partisan scorekeeper for Congress estimated that the bill cuts the deficit by $102 billion over a decade. 

Changing the corporate minimum tax to meet Sinema’s needs would consume much or all of that deficit reduction in the bill. It’s unclear whether Manchin would accept less money to curb the deficit in exchange for Sinema’s support. He said Wednesday he hasn’t yet had detailed discussions about changing the corporate levy.

Resolving these differences could delay the vote on the bill, which Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has said he wants to hold in the coming days. 

The timing of the deal announcement came just hours after the Senate passed a $52 billion semiconductor measure. That chips bill required Republican cooperation which only came forward after Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell came to believe that any tax and climate deal with Manchin was dead. Sinema along with Indiana Republican Todd Young lead a whip operation to get that CHIPS bill through the Senate. The deal announcement left her in the awkward position with Republicans.

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