'Like Christmas morning': Fervent Trump supporters await big announcement

At Mar-a-Lago, Donald Trump's Florida estate, awaiting the former president's 'big announcement' on November 15, 2022

Waving flags and adorned in Donald Trump paraphernalia from head to toe, thousands of die-hard supporters of the former US president waited for hours outside his Mar-a-Lago home in Florida with bated breath.

They are desperate to hear Trump announce he will run for president again in 2024.

“I am super excited. I feel like it’s almost Christmas morning, and Santa Claus is coming,” said a grinning Stacey Bovasso, 54.

“Donald J. Trump is our president, and we need him back.”

Many like Bovasso, who works for a tech company, took the day or afternoon off to attend the announcement.

Most are convinced that Trump actually won the 2020 election, and it was stolen from him due to fraud — an unfounded claim the multi-millionaire has clung to and used to fire up his support base.

Daniel Thibault, a 41-year-old waiter who traveled 170 miles (280 kilometers) from Tampa in western Florida, does not doubt what happened in the last election.

“The next one is the third election (Trump) is going to win. He just got cheated in the last one.”

On a bridge leading to the former president’s luxury residence, a group waves flags reading “Trump 2024 – Take America Back” and “Communism sucks”.

The mood is festive, and a loudspeaker booms with the usual tunes of Republican rallies, such as Bruce Springsteen’s “Born in the USA”.

Trump’s most ardent backers believe the country is in danger, hurtling into decline, and that Donald Trump is their only savior.

“This new administration is destroying America and everything it stands for,” said Eric Pardi, 54, a painter. “They’re destroying our national independence, our border, our economy, and our law and order.”

To him, the only solution is for Trump to return to the White House.

“That man loves this country and stands for it, and that’s what a president should be, somebody who stands and defends our Constitution,” he says.

Stephanie Liu, an American citizen born in China, is even more fired up for the real-estate magnate.

“He is chosen by God to fight for our country. His patriotism inspires us to support him,” said the 50-year-old social worker who traveled to Florida from New York.

As if to contradict her, an advertising plane flew above Mar-a-Lago with a banner reading: “You lost again Donald. DeSantis 2024.”

Florida governor Ron DeSantis, seen by many as Trump’s main rival in 2024, has significant support in his home state. But, some say he should wait his turn.

“I love Ron DeSantis. But he needs to stay as our governor. And then once Trump is done with his term, then it will be his time, and I believe that’s the way that it should be,” said businesswoman Karen Reinhart, 60.

Meanwhile, 58-year-old Debbie Mecchia is tempering her expectations.

“I wouldn’t say I was nervous, but there’s always that aspect that his announcement may not be what we all think it is. But, I mean, we’re excited, we’re hoping, you know, he does say that he’s running for president in 2024.”

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