Splashing and sliding Lib Dem leader brings fun to UK election

LONDON (Reuters) – Ed Davey, the leader of Britain’s Liberal Democrats, fell into a lake, careered down a water slide and did a bungee jump in antics which have been lapped up by media and added some fun to the country’s election campaign.

Polls forecast that Davey’s party will reclaim its spot as Britain’s third biggest group in parliament in the July 4 election, mostly by picking up votes from people in southern England disillusioned with 14 years of Conservative rule.

“I’m asking people to do something many people have never done before, which is vote Liberal Democrat,” the 58-year-old said, explaining his bungee jump on Monday.

He says there is a serious message behind his stunts.

The Lib Dems want to make it easier to see a doctor, rejoin the European Union, improve the performance of Britain’s water companies, and reform social care amongst other things.

“I think my belief is that politicians need to take the concerns and interests of voters seriously but I’m not sure they need to take themselves seriously all the time and I’m quite happy to have some fun,” Davey has said.

Here are some of his greatest stunts:


Davey took to a paddle board on Lake Windermere, England’s biggest body of water which was recently polluted with sewage. He was upright for a few seconds before overbalancing and falling off backwards into the water.

He was back in his wetsuit at a floating obstacle course in Warwickshire, splashing into the water from a tightrope.


Clutching an inflatable and wearing his swimming shorts, he raced down a giant water slide laughing uproariously in Somerset, west England.


The Lib Dem leader had his swimsuit on again when he joined an aqua aerobics class in Cheltenham, west England, enthusiastically waving a foam float over his head.


Wide-eyed and open-mouthed, Davey strapped in at Thorpe Park in Surrey. “I’ve been told that an election is a rollercoaster. So I’m going to go on a rollercoaster,” he told reporters.


In south west England, Davey took part in a wheelbarrow race, putting it through its paces as he dodged obstacles.


He launched himself from a crane in Eastbourne, East Sussex, shouting “Vote Liberal Democrat” as he flew through the air bouncing from the cord.


Davey joined the front row of an outdoor Zumba lesson, busting out his best moves to amused participants in the Latin dance-inspired exercise class.

(Reporting by Sarah Young; Editing by Paul Sandle and Jonathan Oatis)






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