
SOLLY MOENG: We need all hands on deck as many fail to realise and accept that SA is sinking

There was a time, many years ago, but not before 1994, when South Africa seemed unstoppably on the rise. Hundreds of civil society movements, which had been doing social justice work in communities around the country, together with several labour unions, had coalesced behind the recently unbanned African National Congress to help it win the …

SOLLY MOENG: We need all hands on deck as many fail to realise and accept that SA is sinking Read More »

Opinions of the Day: Business is not the enemy of the State

Investec CEO Fani Titi tells Financial Mail editor, Rob Rose, that business will have to lead the economic recovery and government and ANC insiders who have been notoriously suspicious and sceptical of business leaders need to work together now. Titi says that President Ramaphosa’s response to the unrest was “absolutely shocking” and that stronger leadership …

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Opinions of the Day: Divisions within the Ramaphosa cabinet

As we begin to pick up the pieces of shattered glass and damaged goods that lay discarded after a week of violence and looting that ravished the provinces of KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng, questions have come to the fore over governments response or lack of appropriate response to the “insurrection” as President Cyril Ramaphosa called it. …

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Opinions of the Day: Violence ripples across KZN and Gauteng due to Free Zuma protests

“Sphela Ndawonde. Say his name. The Johannesburg security guard is the first person to be killed as a result of the destructive misinformation campaign stoked by convict Jacob Zuma’s family and sycophants in the wake of his imprisonment last week.” Adriaan Basson’s stirring opening paragraph underlines the horrific scenes playing out across Kwa-Zulu Natal and …

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Opinions of the Day: Who’s first in the vaccine queue?

Government needs to tell the public how it decides which population groups are next to receive their vaccinations. Financial Mail columnist Razina Munshi drives home the point in her latest piece asking whether supermarket cashiers should be next in line to receive their jabs over police and security services. Munshi also makes reference to the …

Opinions of the Day: Who’s first in the vaccine queue? Read More »

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