The house that put Gupta ally Iqbal Sharma in the spotlight

Lqbal Sharma House

On the 4th June 2021, Igbal Sharma was arrested for his connection with an alleged R24 million fraud and money-laundering case. According to The Daily Maverick, former Gupta associate Iqbal Sharma spent the weekend in jail and is to stay behind bars.

The NPA seized assets worth R47 million, including their mansion in Sandton. His wife, Tarina Patel, well-known for her role in RHOJ gave Top Billing an exclusive tour of their mansion in 2019. It is estimated that the house is worth R12 million.

Sharma’s case will resume on 5 July 2021 in Bloemfontein.

Watch the house tour as featured on Top Billing below.

Image credit: YouTube screenshot

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