While you were asleep: The spark may have been Zuma…

A cornered dog attacks, and attack it did. What has started out as a #FreeJacobZuma mega-event, has morphed into something much more widespread and uncontained, writes the Daily Maverick’s Richard Poplak. But to every action there must be a reaction. As the police and defence force buckle under looter pressure, thousands of residents in the besieged provinces of KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng are now picking up arms – from pangas, sjamboks and cricket bats to gas guns and pool cues – and taking to social media to regroup and protect their own.

The damage is inconceivable.

The spark may have been Zuma. But the ball is now in Cyril Ramaphosa and his government’s court to crush the revolution that’s threatening to mutate into full-blown civil war. And sending in 2,500 troops is way too little, too late.

And while the local unrest continues to dominate global news, the rand slipped further overnight to test its weakest level since March of R14.75 to the dollar.

Here’s a roundup of the world’s top and most interesting headlines:

SA Business

More groups call for state of emergency in South Africa – Business Tech
SAB, Heineken facilities looted and torched, and more may be targeted, says Beer Association – Business Insider
SA could face fuel shortages in the next few days – SABC News


Gold gains capped by higher-than-expected US inflation – InvestingZA
Powell, oil inventories, earnings: 3 thing to watch – Investing.com
Asian stocks down on surprise jump in US inflation – Investing.com

Global Business

There is no inflation: The June CPI headline head fake – Forbes
Better economy, merger boom boosts US bank earnings – AFP
Virgin Galactic admits Branson’s prelaunch bike ride never happened – Reuters


This is what a failed state looks like – Daily Maverick
‘It’s not about Zuma … They’re having a party’: Joburg resident shares tale of living above deadly riots – Sowetan Live
Zuma’s legacy: The build-up to breaking down Crime Intelligence – Daily Maverick

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