Opinions of the Day: Business is not the enemy of the State

Investec CEO Fani Titi tells Financial Mail editor, Rob Rose, that business will have to lead the economic recovery and government and ANC insiders who have been notoriously suspicious and sceptical of business leaders need to work together now. Titi says that President Ramaphosa’s response to the unrest was “absolutely shocking” and that stronger leadership was needed to turn around the economy. “Hopefully, given the scale of this crisis, there’ll be greater courage and boldness to implement reforms now. Of course, he’s operating under trying circumstances within the ANC, but at moments like this, leaders have to take a lot more risk.” (For subscribers)

Meanwhile, former opposition leader Mmusi Maimane has written an open letter to the president pleading with him to take action against the members of his cabinet sowing discord and to fire the ministers who failed in their duty to protect the nation. Maimane has called for the heads of police minister Bheki Cele, state security minister Ayanda Dlodlo, and defence minister Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula.

And finally with the Tokyo Olympic games finally getting underway tomorrow and some of the Olympic schedule having started yesterday, Lindsay Crouse writes an insightful piece in the New York Times about how to best enjoy the sporting special despite the difficult daily lives we lead. (Sign up to read)

Here’s a roundup of today’s most interesting opinions and analyses:

Government left small businesses to sink during lockdowns – Andile Ntingi | Business Day (For subscribers)

Mr President, axe the ‘deplorables’ and prosecute state looters – Jonathan Jansen | Sunday Times Daily

#SAUnrest – Blame the education system – Garret San Garde | News24

If state data transparency is the new oil, then we need to start pumping it to rebuild our country – Toby Shapshak | Daily Maverick

Rich rocketman: Bezos doesn’t measure up to Branson and Shuttleworth – Editorial | The Citizen

Overblown, ironic and wrong – a reply to the Brookes grandchildren – Michael Morris | Daily Friend

This is how luxury firms are adjusting to post-Covid-19 life – Andrea Felsted | Business Day

To create jobs we need … believe it or not … employers – Peter Bruce | Business Day (For subscribers)

It’s a spooky business, but not if it involves our ‘agents’ – Tom Eaton | Sunday Times Daily

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