Opinions of the Day: Young people get their Covid jabs

From today anyone over the age of 18 can register for and take the Covid-19 vaccination. It was a bold move taken by the government yesterday to get the jab into more South Africans arms as vaccine hesitancy becomes rife throughout the country.

Much has been written over the past while about anti-vaxxers and those who remain quite hesitant about taking the vaccine. From conspiracy theories about Bill Gates and the government injecting us with chips to genuine concerns about wanting more information about what’s exactly in the vaccine and how safe it is to take for someone concerned about say, fertility.

In an Afrobarometer survey released last month, 42% of respondents said they were ‘very unlikely’ to get the vaccine while 47% said prayer is ‘somewhat more effective/much more effective than vaccine’.

Researchers from the Human Sciences Research Council and the University of Johannesburg have also said that only 52% of white males are willing to take the vaccine.

Paddy Harper writes in the Mail & Guardian about the silliness of some of the misinformation about vaccines.

Harper: “Why would Bill Gates — or Cyril Ramaphosa — even need to inject white South African males with some 666 tracking microchip what-what, when they’re constantly complaining online — or spreading some anti-vaxx nonsense — using devices loaded with software manufactured by guess who?”

And that’s the point, no one would need to track your whereabouts through some silly microchip, if you have a smartphone and use social media you’ve already consented to have so much of your data mined it’ll make a coal company blush.

But from the immediate reaction, it seems as if the youth are bucking the trend of their older counterparts and turning out in numbers to get their jabs. News24 reports there are snacking long lines across the country at vaccination sites as the 18-34 age group stand ready to get their shots.

Please seriously consider taking the vaccine and help to save the world and return society to some sort of semblance of normality. Should you wish to register for the vaccine, you can do so here.

Here’s a roundup of the most interesting opinions and analyses:

Sunday Times Daily
Government has been slow on the uptake, hence SA’s vaccine hesitancy – Makhudu Sefara
I won’t compromise parliament for ‘personal whims’, says Mapisa-Nqakula – Thabo Mokone

News24 / Fin24
Proposed new state pension fund would wreak havoc – but Treasury says it’s not govt policy – Londiwe Buthelezi (for subscribers)
Green isn’t the new gold: Why the cannabis rush isn’t first choice for small businesses – Mikael Samuelsson & Stefan Nel (for subscribers)
SA cannot afford to ignore the Zondo Commission: Here are 3 big reasons why – Karyn Maughan (for subscribers)

Business Day
Defeated Zambian government clutched in vain at straw of unrest in KwaZulu-Natal – Carien du Plessis (for subscription)
What Africa must do to help speed up global vaccinations – Charles Okehalam
BHP deal suggests oil and gas are heading towards the coal dump – Clyde Russell
Rebuilding in wake of violence must start with inclusive cities – Siphele Ngobese

Daily Maverick
Powerless persuasion: Marketing industry distinctly missing in action during a pandemic – Andy Rice
Trip advisor: To understand the real state of our economy, look down at our pavements – Jeffrey Dinham
Unemployment crisis: South Africa must ease restrictive labour laws and focus on job creation – Tzvi Brivik

Financial Mail
How eNatis, corrupted and useless, broke the driver’s license system – Shirley de Villiers

The Citizen
Plans for our pension money: Government has massive balls, with zero focus – Richard Chemaly (for subscribers)

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