Opinions of the Day: We have a hostage situation

Last Thursday we witnessed a made for TV hostage crisis unfold before our eyes. Only in South Africa can we see a real-world hostage situation take place as defence minister Thandi Modise, her deputy Thabang Makwetla, and minister in the presidency Mondli Gungubele was held for around three hours by disgruntled military veterans who formed part of the disbanded ANC Umkhonto we Sizwe Military Veterans’ Association (MKMVA).

The whole ordeal is utterly ridiculous and reeks of more ANC infighting and factionalism, but Gungubele referred to the episode as a sign of South Africa’s “maturing democracy”. In what mature democracy is the defence minister, her deputy and another cabinet minister held hostage by members of a disbanded group with the ruling party?

Craig Bailie argues in Daily Maverick that the actions of the military veterans had nothing to do with a “maturing democracy” and everything to do with criminality.

While political analyst Ralph Mathekga writes in News24 (Subscribe to read) that the ANC cannot afford to sweep this one under the rug and they must address the serious national security questions at play here if disgruntled citizens can gain access to the defence minister this easily.

For a lighter take on the debacle, Tom Eaton adds some humour to the situation with his column in Business Day (Subscribe to read) and Sydney Majoko writes in The Citizen (Subscribe to read) that “the chickens have come home to roost”.

Here’s what else you need to know today:

Editorial | Politics in SA is a money-making blood sport – Sunday Times Daily (Register to read)

Sikonathi Mantshantsha | Matshela Koko Slapp Suit: Money cannot be allowed to whitewash truth nor silence whistleblowers – Daily Maverick

Sasha Planting | As the world’s most energy-insecure continent, Africa is in perfect position to lead a revolution – Daily Maverick

Maynard Manyowa | South Africa’s lax border controls played a role in the red list issue – News24

Anthony Sguazzin and Paul Burkhardt | SA: where billions in green incentives hit the ANC and die – Sunday Times Daily/Bloomberg (Register to read)

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