Opinions of the Day: It’s getting hot on planet Earth

Back in August, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released its Sixth Assessment Report (AR6), in it detailed the devastating effects of climate change on the planet.

Now while the cynic might say nothing new here, it has become irrefutable science that the world is heating at a rapid pace and that we may not hit our global warming targets ­– that has been outlined in policies like the Paris Climate Agreement – in time.

At the time the IPCC warned that major climate change was “inevitable and irreversible” (Thanos eat your heart out).

So, why are we bringing this up again?

Well, as it turns out (and nothing is shocking about this), French oil company, Total, knew in the 1970s of the grave climate change effects that burning fossil fuels would have on the planet and the oil company decided to actively participate in a smear campaign of the climate science out there warning us of the dangers.

And while the world needs clean and renewable energy more than ever, the global solar power industry is struggling to keep up amid rising costs and an inability to meet consumer demand.

“Panel prices are rising for the first time in years, and some manufacturers have asked buyers to delay purchases if they can. And though annual installations are still ticking higher, Wall Street warns the pace of expansion may slow sharply if those hurdles continue unchecked,” writes Dan Murtaugh and Maxwell Adler in a Bloomberg report republished by Sunday Times Daily. (Register to read)

Here’s what else you need to know today:

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Ralph Mathekga | When the ANC’s big guns are gone, will voters get the service they deserve? – News24 (Subscribe to read)
Ivo Vegter | On 1 November, vote for performance, not perceptions – Daily Friend
William Gumede | For real change, South Africans must vote with their heads, not their hearts – Sunday Times Daily (Register to read)

Business and Finance
Editorial | Selling an unsafe SA for investment – Business Day
Busi Mavuso | Go green or pay a hefty international price – Business Day (Subscribe to read)
Stephen Kreusch | How SA can fight back cybercrime – The Citizen
Jikku Joseph | Sharing financial data can help consumers save – if SA avoids other countries’ mistakes – Fin24

Technology and Innovation
PODCAST: Stop squatting on SA’s spectrum, says Michael Jordaan – Financial Mail
Parmy Olson | Sneer at Facebook’s oversight board if you must, but it is making changes now – Business Day/Bloomberg

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