Opinions of the Day: Toxic stockpiles cause a stink in Durban

Investigative journalism unit amabhungane released a report this morning on the Daily Maverick website, which finally provided Durbanites with some answers as to what exactly poisoned the rivers, air and beaches in Durban after a fire broke out at a United Phosphorus Limited warehouse last month in the wake of the protesting following former president Jacob Zuma’s arrest.

United Phosphorus is one of the worlds largest chemical multinationals and have refused to disclose what was being stored in the warehouse located in Cornubia on the North Coast, which is situated a mere 400 metres from a local school and in the middle of a shopping hub

Residents coughed through the toxic fumes for nearly ten days and are now wondering whether they will be saddled with long-term health consequences following the explosion.

The amabhungane investigation revealed that what was stored at the facility included a whole host of chemicals, some classified as “harmful”, “toxic” or “very toxic” coming up to millions of litres.

It’s a shocking and damning report and the health of Durban’s residents is at serious risk. Read the full story here.

Meanwhile, in other health debilitating news, pharmaceutical giant Bayer has announced it will no longer include glyphosate in its Roundup weedkiller in the US, but the South African variant will still have glyphosate as the main ingredient.

The weedkiller developed a negative reputation in the US after a class-action lawsuit featuring more than 100 000 people accused the product of causing non-Hodgkin lymphoma, a type of cancer.

Here’s a roundup of the most interesting opinions and analyses:

The Conversation
As Afghanistan falls, what does it mean for the Middle East? – Tony Walker

Daily Maverick
The ANC’s nomination of Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula as Speaker of National Assembly is unspeakable – Paul Hoffman
Big business and communities: South Africa must go local to overcome economic challenges – Shawn Theunissen

Financial Mail
Can Godongwana stare down the ANC on a basic income grant? – Sam Mkokeli

Business Day
A free press helps keep the looters at bay – Gary Rynhart
At least the antivaxxers take a good shot at diversity – Tom Eaton (for subscribers)
The Citizen
Welcome to SA – the land of the power trip – Hagen Engler (for subscribers)
News24 / Fin24
Expect a Zondo Commission report with little room for second guessing – Ralph Mathekga (for subscribers)
Economic reforms like private energy generation will drag SA from ashes of unrest – Busi Mavuso (for subscribers)

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