Opinions of the Day: Looking at you, Arthur Fraser

When Arthur Fraser, national commissioner of correctional services, decided to overrule the medical parole board and release former president Jacob Zuma on medical parole, his arrogance was laid bare for all South Africans to see.

That’s the sentiment from political commentator Justice Malala who pens a scathing inditement of the former spook that gave Zuma a get out of jail free card for the second time in the life of the former president.

And while Fraser says that his decision to release Zuma was “lawful and procedural” there are two separate court challenges that state Fraser had no right to take such action.

Karyn Maughan writes, the department of correctional services has until the end of the week to hand over Fraser’s full report on the decision to release Zuma. (for subscribers)

Malala passionately writes about his contempt for Zuma’s release, but he also has harsh criticism for the current president, Cyril Ramaphosa.

He said: “President Cyril Ramaphosa’s belief that it is his job to keep the ANC united is at the heart of the problem. Fraser should have been showed the door as soon as Zuma was out of power. Instead, Ramaphosa shifted him to correctional services.”

According to Malala’s article Ramaphosa did not want to divide and split the ANC by removing those government officials who were tainted under the previous administration but the decision not to act swiftly and remove the bad apples from the cart has come back to bite the president time and time again.

“Ramaphosa has largely kept people who are so compromised, so brazenly implicated in wrongdoing, that there’s little doubt they’ll continue their nefarious ways,” writes Malala.

Here’s a roundup of interesting opinions and analyses:

A costly state bank is the last thing the ANC needs – Caiphus Kgosana, Sunday Times Daily

ANC financial woes embarrassing, not just to party, but the whole country – Melanie Verwoerd, News24 (for subscribers)

What have you done for me lately? Expect very little or nothing from the ANC in the 2021 local elections – Ismail Lagardien, Daily Maverick

Ignore the ANC’s whingeing — donor transparency is vital – Editorial, Financial Mail

Which party can benefit most from a November 1 election date? – Gareth van Onselen, Business Day (for subscribers)

‘Heh-heh.’ When Zuma meets Shaik on the nineteenth – Cliff Buchler, The Citizen (for subscribers)

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